How To Dress Well
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Contingency/Necessity (Modality of Fate)

How To Dress Well

I Am Toward You

Doing ketamine in the shrine room at the Buddhist monastery
I wonder if I've ever made a single right decision

I guess I once confused the German word for face (Gesicht)
With the word for history (Geschichte)
Just change one little letter
see your face fate in the mirror

Oh, in 1984 these words were new in circulation
"Death metal" and "bi-curious" and "genetic fingerprinting"
When contingеncies unfold they becomе wholly necessary
A baby, "mandelbrot set" "VPN, " and "open carry"

What I need? – I don't know and have never known
Holding on is a way of letting go

Water is a kind of stone
Water is a kind of stone

I'm crying in the bathroom Masonic Lodge to see Mount Eerie
I wonder if I've ever made a single wrong decision

I guess I once confused the German word for face
With the word for history
Just change one little letter
see your face fate in the mirror
What I need? –
I don't know and have never known
Holding on is a way of letting go

Water is a kind of stone

A kind of stone


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